Papilloma is a benign disease of the skin or mucous membranes caused by one of the many types of viruses in the Papovaviridae family. Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the common name for a number of uncovered DNA viruses that are transmitted in different ways. HPV infection can occur during sexual intercourse, with microtrauma of the mucous membranes and skin, during childbirth (infected newborn).
Human papillomavirus in adults

Human papilloma infection (PVI) is very common. Numerous studies show that more than 80% of the young population is its carrier. The infection that enters the body affects the squamous epithelium of the skin and can multiply over the years. Different types that affect the mucous membranes cause benign formations of the conjunctiva, mouth and genitals.
Papillomas in women
Human papillomavirus infection is equally dangerous for both men and women. However, some pathogenic microorganisms pose a great threat to women's health and life. Numerous studies show that HPV can cause cervical cancer.
Papilloma virus in pregnant women
Acute weakening of the immune system and hormonal imbalance can lead to active reproduction and symptomatic manifestations of the papilloma virus, which has been inactive in the body for a long time. The appearance of papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes during pregnancy can frighten expectant mothers. In this case, the woman needs an urgent consultation with a gynecologist.
HPV is not a contraindication to conception, although the baby is more likely to be infected at birth.
Papillomas in men
In men, papillomas often do not show clinical manifestations. However, men are also a source of infection and infect their sexual partners. Under normal conditions of the immune system, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced to zero. However, with immune deficiencies, the situation may change, and the presence of the papilloma virus in the blood will begin to manifest itself actively and in some cases aggressively.
The type of sexually transmitted infection that causes genital warts affects both men and women equally. HPV 16 and 18, which can cause cervical cancer in women, are rarely found in men. After entering the body, this type of papilloma virus stays in the urethral canal for a while, then eliminates itself because there is no favorable environment for it to multiply. In men, genital warts may appear:
- mostly in the coronal groove and frenulum of the penis;
- less on the body or head of the penis;
- in the area of external opening of the urethra;
- in the urethra itself;
- in the perianal region and in the anal canal.
Compared to women, papillomas in men rarely cause cancer. Diagnosis of HPV in men is also difficult.
Human papilloma in children

Papillomas in women and men, as well as in children, affect all organs with intact or transitional epithelium. May be on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, respiratory tract. Human papillomavirus is transmitted in childhood:
- during intrauterine development of the fetus;
- when the child passes through the mother's birth canal;
- parent-child contact-home route;
- within the team (kindergarten, school, sports and development departments).
However, even if a child is infected, the papilloma virus from the body can clear itself after a while. If this does not happen immediately, papillomas in the body and mucous membranes often disappear after puberty.
Papillomas in the body
The most common in children are clinical manifestations of human papilloma in the form of generalized or vulgar warts. They are usually inside and behind the palms or on the knees. However, often the appearance of a keratinized superficial papilloma protruding from any part of the body. They do not cause discomfort and are painless. With injuries, such formations can begin to ache and bleed.
Papillomas in children with laryngeal mucosa

The most common diagnosis in children is laryngeal papillomatosis, if the body has human papillomavirus. If the infection occurs at birth and the infection is transmitted to the unborn child, its external manifestations are usually observed before the baby is five years old. The cause of laryngeal papilloma is the penetration of HPV types 6 and 11 into the child's body.
Ways of infection, types and manifestations of PVI
Papilloma virus is highly contagious. The routes of infection are diverse, which significantly increases the number of people at risk. More than a hundred types of pathogens are divided into different types by modern medicine, which are characterized by their transmission routes, external manifestations and the level of damage to health.
How human papilloma is transmitted
Papillomavirus infection can occur during sexual intercourse, home use, or during childbirth when pathogenic microorganisms are passed on to the unborn child. It is also possible for a person to become infected with one of the papilloma viruses. Autoinoculation can occur, for example, with mechanical damage to the skin or mucous membranes during epilation.
Papillomas: Causes of Sexually Transmitted Infections
The causes for papillomavirus infection may be different. But one of the most common is sexual transmission. In addition, you can become infected not only through the vagina, but also through anal and even oral sex. There are about 40 types of papilloma virus, the causes of which are transmitted by frequent changes of partners and early onset of sexual activity.
Local infection with the virus
The insidious aspect of HPV is that it is more likely to be transmitted at home. Several factors can increase the risk of papilloma virus infection, the reasons for which are different, for example:
- excessive dryness of the body with the presence of cuts and scratches on the skin, as well as the formation of cracks;
- diseases that weaken the immune system (HIV infection, influenza, herpes);
- long-term use of strong drugs that suppress the function of the immune system.
Infection of infants at birth
Like many genital infections, the papilloma virus can be transmitted from birth to childbirth. Also, the baby can be infected during the prenatal period. If a pregnant woman is a carrier of HPV type 6, 11, 16 or 18, the pathogens most often affect the baby's oral mucosa. This type of papilloma infection often leads to the development of pediatric papillomatosis in the larynx.
Many women mistakenly believe that a caesarean section will help prevent the baby from becoming infected. However, even in this case, the possibility of transmission of the papilloma virus still remains, and pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted from the placenta.
How human papillomavirus manifests

HPV is a group of viruses that cause the development of benign tumors in vivo and under certain factors that cause discomfort. Depending on the location, papillomas can be cutaneous or anogenital. Such neoplasms can manifest themselves:
- Common warts characterized by a dense, rough surface with additional growths. The size of such neoplasms is 1 mm. As a rule, their appearance is observed on the palms and fingers, in the knee area (mainly in children), but such papillomas can also occur on the body. The spread of common warts is facilitated by a rapid decline in immunity.
- Herbal warts that cause special discomfort and pain. The causative agents of such neoplasms are several types of HPV: 1, 2 and 4. In appearance, plantar formations can be confused with ordinary calluses. At first, their size is small. However, later the papilloma grows and additional growths may appear around it.
- Straight warts visible in the presence of HPV type 3 and 10. in the body. Such neoplasms are practically associated with the skin and may have a round or polygonal shape. Often their appearance is accompanied by itching, redness and pain.
- Filamentous formations characteristic of virus carriers aged fifty years or older. Such papillomas can appear on the eyelids, body, armpits, etc. It can be seen. The length sometimes reaches 6 mm.
- Genital warts that develop on the background of HPV 6 and 11 In women, such neoplasms can be localized in the anus and rectal mucosa, the walls of the vagina, uterus and vulva, groin.
Types of papillomas

The main danger of papilloma virus in men and women is that it is considered a carcinogen in modern medicine. About one-third of the more than 100 species present affect the male and female genitals and cause the development of genital warts.
Cancer risk classification
A harmless DNA virus can not only cause uncontrolled division of skin cells and mucous membranes, but can also contribute to the malignancy of neoplasms. However, not all papillomas cause cancer. Various factors can increase the likelihood of developing oncogenic diseases:
- earlier onset of sexual activity, frequent change of partners and preference for anal sex;
- presence of sexually transmitted infections affecting both female and male genitals;
- smoking and alcohol abuse, which adversely affects the state of the immune system and stimulates the appearance of papillomas in the vicinity and other parts of the body;
- use of an intrauterine device as a contraceptive, as well as long-term use of oral contraceptives;
- endometriosis and other diseases of the female reproductive system.
The need to determine the type of papillomavirus will help to make a complete diagnosis, which is determined by the doctor.
Non-oncogenic virus types
Among the many HPVs, there is a group of pathogenic microorganisms that do not pose a particular threat to health. Non-oncogenic HPV types include papilloma viruses of genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 5. Its presence in the body causes various types of warts on the skin.
- Normal and flat warts on the hands and feet appear when infected with genotype 1 HPV.
- Genotype 2 virus causes flat and vulgar formations in the hands.
- HPV 3 causes uncontrolled cell division of the skin and the formation of flat and juvenile warts.
Low oncogenic risk viruses
When HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, and 44 enters the body, human papillomas with oncogenic risk develop. The most common viruses are genotypes 6 and 11. They make up about 90% of all infections. This type of pathogenic microorganisms cause a special genital papilloma - genital warts. In men, the location of the mucous membrane of the cervix or penis carries a risk of malignancy of the formations.
Papilloma virus with high oncogenic risk
HPV genotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68 have a high oncogenic risk. More than 70% of infections are caused by types 16 and 18 viruses. Type 18 papilloma is common in the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. These types of pathogenic microorganisms cause cancer of the cervix, anus, vagina, vulva or male penis.
Classification of viruses by localization of manifestations

In women and men, the external manifestations of papillomas can be observed on the skin of exposed areas of the body, under the feet, as well as on the skin of the intimate area and mucous membranes. The lesions may be local, and numerous foci of neoplasm are observed in people with severe immunodeficiency. Once the virus enters the body, three stages of development can be noted:
- no clinical manifestations of infection in the latent stage;
- with subclinical form, symptoms and morphological signs are minimal;
- The clinical stage involves the appearance of papillomas, dysplasias and malignant neoplasms.
The nature of the external manifestations depends on the type of virus that infects the patient's body.
Papillomas in the neck
Papillomas in the neck of viral carriers can manifest themselves throughout life. Such formations are benign and give a person only psychological distress. In addition, small neoplasms in a thin leg can be caught in clothing, injure, and cause pain and bleeding. If such problems occur, it is advisable to remove the papillomas in the neck.
Papilloma in a sincere place
Papillomas located in the intimate area are called genital warts. It can be localized in the vaginal mucosa or in the cervix in women, in men - in the penis. In addition, genital warts can develop in the tissues of the anus. All types of papilloma viruses that infect the genitals can be divided into:
- viruses with high levels of oncogenicity (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35), which significantly increase the risk of malignancy of neoplasms, but do not cause genital warts;
- papilloma virus with low oncogenicity that causes genital warts (HPV 6, 11).
Papillomas on the eyelids

Eyelid papillomas most commonly occur in adults who are carriers of HPV infection. They are usually on the edge of the lower eyelid. Neoplasms can be in the form of cauliflower. The danger of such formation is the direct exposure to ultraviolet rays and the habit of rubbing the eyes with dirty hands. In the latter case, the risk of papilloma infection in the eyelid is significantly increased. The color of the neoplasm can be fleshy or dark.
Papillomas: treatment and diagnosis
Once inside the body, the papilloma virus can behave in different ways. The body's response depends on the type of virus, the state of immunity, the presence of co-morbidities, and other factors that are determined individually for each patient. Thus, there are three main types of papilloma virus behavior in the human body:
- Pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream and behave passively. In this case, a person is a carrier of the virus and can infect people who come in close contact with it.
- The virus enters the body, but does not integrate into the chromosomes of cells, but also stimulates the uncontrolled division of cells of the skin and mucous membranes and the formation of papillomas and warts.
- HPV penetrates cells, changes their structure and causes malignant tumors.
In each case, specific diagnosis and treatment methods are required to identify the virus.
Diagnosis of human papillomavirus
The main type of diagnosis is an external examination of the patient. It is important if the infection is manifested by the formation of papillomas (genital warts) on the external genitalia. To determine the presence of HPV and its type in the laboratory:
- PCR method. Such a test is very sensitive to detect an infection that is in the subclinical or latent stage of development.
- Digene test. Hybridization analysis that identified 13 viruses with high oncogenic potential and 5 species with low oncogenic potential. As a rule, digene test is combined with cytological examination for a more accurate diagnosis of papilloma virus.
Diagnosis of papilloma virus is especially difficult in men. Examination is not necessary for male patients. In this case, the diagnosis is possible only in the presence of external clinical manifestations of the disease.
Papillomas: how to get rid of external manifestations
If a person has a papilloma, the doctor will tell you how to get rid of it. It is not worth trying to cope with external manifestations, because it is fraught with dangerous consequences for health, especially infection. Removal of papillomas is necessary for several reasons, namely:
- some papillomas may grow over time and become malignant;
- the presence of neoplasms causes psychological distress to the patient;
- Papillomas in the body and nearby areas can be injured and bleed.
However, only a doctor can determine the need for removal of papillomas. To do this, you should contact a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist.
Laser removal of papillomas

Laser removal of papilloma is very effective. Its use allows you to get rid of benign neoplasms quickly. Laser removal of formations with a diameter of 5 mm takes only a few minutes. However, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the papilloma in several stages. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. Tissue removed by laser excision is not suitable for histology.
How to remove papillomas by radio waves
Radiofrequency ablation is a completely painless and quick way to get rid of papilloma. During the procedure, the neoplasm is removed at its base. After removal, a small dark crust remains in place. The extracted material is suitable for histological analysis. When deciding how to remove papillomas without the risk of scarring, the radio wave method is the best choice for patients.
Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen
When talking about the external manifestations of papillomas and ways to get rid of them, it is impossible to talk about the removal of liquid nitrogen, otherwise known as cryodestruction. This method is very effective in removing papillomas from the body, but the possibility of recurrence of external manifestations remains. During the procedure, low-temperature nitrogen affects papilloma cells and freezes them. This method is characterized by minimal trauma and the absence of painful sensations.
Electrocoagulation - the removal of papillomas in the body by a targeted effect on the tissue of the neoplasm with current discharge. This method is highly efficient (80-95%). The main advantage is that no trace remains after the papilloma is removed from the form. Within a week, only a small crust remains on the skin, and after this period it disappears. You can't tear it up yourself.
Drug treatment

Laser removal of papillomas or other methods recommended by a doctor is only a solution to external problems that cause aesthetic, psychological or physical discomfort. Treatment of neoplasm removal methods has nothing to do with the fight against the papilloma virus, which requires an integrated approach.
Today, there is no specific drug to effectively remove the papilloma virus from the body and treat its external manifestations. The comprehensive approach to treatment used by medicine today is as follows:
- laser removal of papillomas, liquid nitrogen and other methods of removal of benign neoplasms;
- immunological therapy aimed at activating the body's natural protective functions;
- general strengthening of the body, intake of vitamin complexes, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
By contacting a doctor and undergoing all the necessary tests, you can confirm or deny the presence of papilloma virus in the body, learn how to get rid of neoplasms and reduce the risk of recurrence.
HPV and immunity
Once in the body, HPV does not show itself for a long time. Papillomas on the eyelids, neck, body or intimate area, which are external manifestations of the virus's activity, occur with a sharp decrease in immunity. Thus, the risk of papilloma in the neck, skin and mucous membranes of the body is significantly increased by:
- transfer of infectious diseases or surgical interventions;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- constant stress, hypothermia and other factors that negatively affect immunity;
- long-term use of certain drugs;
- presence of genital tract infections.
Any factor that weakens the immune system can cause the virus to multiply in the blood. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to get rid of papillomas, but also how to strengthen the immune system, which prevents their occurrence.
Papillomas: alternative treatment
If you have a papilloma on your body, it is strictly forbidden to remove it at home. You should consult a doctor for safe and effective treatment. The specialist will determine the necessary research and develop a treatment regimen based on the results. Under this scheme, the patient can be treated for papilloma virus at home under the supervision of a physician.
Prevention of HPV
Prevention of the papilloma virus by folk and traditional methods is to reduce the risk of infection. Reproduction of the virus in the body and in the artificial place, neck, eyelids, palms, soles of the feet, etc. There is also the prevention of external manifestations such as papilloma in the skin and mucous membranes.
Prevention of human papillomavirus infection
So, in order not to face the question of how to get rid of papillomas one day, you need to remember about the basic measures to prevent infection with the virus. The use of condoms and other contraceptives in intimate relationships with new sexual partners, unfortunately, does not protect the body from HPV. Only maintaining a monogamous relationship with a trusted partner can help reduce the risk of infection.
Traditional methods to prevent infection with the papilloma virus are not as effective as traditional ones. Modern scientists have developed several vaccines that significantly reduce the risk of infection with HPV strains with high oncogenic potential (6, 11, 16 and 18).
The best age for vaccination is between 10 and 25 years. The effect is estimated at about 6, 5 years.
Prevention of HPV

Alternative treatments to prevent the activity of the papilloma virus are effective with prescriptions to strengthen the immune system. However, you should consult a doctor before using them. Also, do not forget the most effective and safe ways to increase the body's natural protective functions through exercise, healthy eating, hardening.
Prevention of papilloma virus at home is possible for everyone. Remember to visit your doctor regularly for preventive purposes and strengthen your immunity, paying attention to your health.